Babies are very fragile and you need to take special care of them. They are little sponges who absorb everything that you teach them. So, make sure that your child gets all the best things from you. Here are some tips for you to follow which will help you in taking proper care of your baby.
Feed your baby on demand:
You should never force feed your baby as it will make him/her sick. When your baby is hungry, he/she will show it by crying. If you see that your baby is not feeding well, then you can give him/her breast milk or formula. But never force feed your baby even if he/she is refusing to feed. Let your baby decide when he/she is hungry and when he/she is full. This way you will develop a healthy bond with your baby.
It is very important to know how to properly feed your baby. Don't worry if you don't know how to do it exactly right. Just keep trying different things until you find what works for you and your baby. If you do it often, your baby will get used to the process of feeding and he/she will learn how to self-regulate his/her appetite. You can also use this method to wean your baby off the breast/bottle. It will take time but, the process will become natural for both of you.
Never Give Your Baby Cow's Milk After 4 Months:
Many mothers believe that giving their baby cow's milk after the fourth month will prevent SIDS. This is not true. There has been a lot of research done on this subject, and it was found that there is no evidence whatsoever that giving your baby cow's milk after the fourth month can prevent SIDS.
Giving your baby cow's milk after the fourth month will not only cause him/her to become obese; it will also cause other health problems later in life. Always remember that your baby needs you! Don't wait until he/she is starving to feed him/her. Wait until he/she is actually hungry. This way you will develop a healthy bond with your baby on a very natural level. And this will help you to establish a good relationship with your child for life.
Change his/her diaper frequently:
Change your baby’s diaper at least once every 2 hours. Dirty diapers can lead to many health problems like diarrhea, skin infections and others. So always change the diaper and clean the bottom of the diaper.
Diapers are a big part of a baby’s life. It is important to pay attention to them and change them often. This will help the child to be healthy. Don’t wait until the child is old enough to tell you that he or she needs to be changed. The earlier you change the diaper, the less likely it is that you will have a problem. Always put on new diaper paper when you are changing the diaper. This will protect the child from getting an infection or any other type of disease.
Never use a bottle for feeding your baby:
Never ever use a bottle for feeding your baby as it can cause many health problems. You should use only the breastfeeding method for the first 6 months. After that, you can start giving some bottles to your child to give him/her some additional nutrition. But never give a bottle before the age of one.
You should not use a bottle for your baby's feeding till he is at least 1 month old. It is best if you wait till your child is 2-3 months old before you start giving him/her a bottle. This will ensure that your child gets the right kind of nutrition and also, that he/she is able to properly digest the bottle. If you start giving your baby a bottle before he is 1 month old, it is very likely that he will get a terrible stomach ache because the bottle is not digested properly. Your baby needs to be fed with an empty stomach. Never force feed your child. Let him/her decide when he/she wants to eat.
Never scold your baby:
Babies are very sensitive to everything around them. So if you are angry or irritable or if you are scolding your baby in any way, then he/she will take it as an indication that something is wrong and he/she will develop some kind of fear. This will be a bad thing for your baby and will affect his/her future. So never scold your baby and always remain calm and happy. This way you will have a peaceful home. Best resource to find out some more detail about First time mom due date accuracy and read more our Sunday Best Blog.
Babies learn very early what they can and cannot accept. So, it is very important that you remain calm and positive at all times. If you do have a problem with your child, try to resolve it calmly and positively instead of yelling and screaming. Yelling and screaming only makes the situation worse and creates a lot of fear in your child. This will have a negative effect on him/her for the rest of his/her life. So, don't be too hard on your child. It's not fair to him/her, and it won't do any good.
Never leave your baby alone:
Even for a minute. Babies are very curious and they want to explore everything. If you leave your baby alone for even a minute he/she can crawl under the bed or get into some other dangerous activity. So always keep your baby with you and don’t allow him/her to roam around the house unattended. This way you will have a safe home and a happy child.
I hope these tips were useful to you. I think these are the basics which every parent should know about taking care of his/her child.